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The Newman Tradition

John Henry Cardinal Newman

John Henry Cardinal Newman

The Newman Center is named after John Henry Cardinal Newman (1801-1890). A prominent Anglican priest early in his life, Newman converted to Catholicism in 1845. Newman was named Cardinal by Pope Leo XIII in 1879. He was involved in the founding of the Catholic University of Ireland, which is now University College, Dublin, and is part of the largest university in Ireland. Newman was a prominent theologian and an influential writer in the Catholic Church. His determined search for truth  made his writings in the areas of theology, philosophy, and education a popular source of modern Christian wisdom. Newman was beatified on September 19, 2010.

Our Newman Center at Fairmont State University is part of a larger network of Newman Centers all over the world. The first Newman Club was founded in 1888 at the University of Oxford. The first American Newman Club was at the University of Pennsylvania in 1893. All Newman Centers are now known as places that provide services and ministries to Catholic students at non-religious affiliated universities. While Newman Centers are known for ministering to Catholic students, all students are welcome to come participate in activities and take part in any services that are offered.

To learn more about Cardinal Newman:


Student Officers

Liz Waszkiewicz

– Co-President
– Senior
– Exercise Science Major with a Business Minor

My favorite CSU memory would be going on a pilgrimage to Pittsburgh and visiting with the Passionist Nuns. It was a very beautiful day and really opened up my faith. It was so awesome to talk to Sister Grace and learn more about what daily life is like at the monastery.

One of my favorite activities that I have done with the CSU and Newman Center is making personal journals with Cynthia! I loved being able to make a devotional journal that was personal to me and incorporating Saints and pictures that meant something to me.

Abby Rock

– Co-President
– Sophomore
– Nursing Major

My favorite thing about our group is the sense of community and opportunity to learn and grow together. My favorite memories are usually made around the Sunday dinner table after Mass!

Liz O’Neill

– Vice President
– Junior Transfer
– Architecture Major

My favorite memory is when we dedicated our chapel to Saint Gemma!

Quinn Arzt

– Treasurer
– Senior
– Architecture Major

My favorite thing about the Catholic Student Union is the wonderful faith community that we provide, as it is a safe and supportive place to explore the teachings of Jesus.

My favorite event with the Catholic Student Union is the after-church dinners (obviously I am biased!). Planning and cooking these dinners are such a major part of my week and my favorite way to give back to a community that has supported me throughout my time at Fairmont State University.

Kate Grant

– Secretary
– Sophomore
– Double Major in National Security & Intelligence and Political Science

My favorite thing is the atmosphere and the fellowship that I have found amongst friends.

Kai Smith

– Outreach Coordinator
– Sophomore
– Architecture Major

My favorite memory is the fun dinners we have and the conversations during dinner.

Annie Pierson

– Outreach Coordinator
– Junior
– Architecture Major

My favorite thing is how we can all learn about God from each other and have meaningful conversations about what we’re going through.


– Hospitality Coordinator
– Senior
– Outdoor Recreation Major

Our Priests

Rev. Binu Emmanuel, C.S.T. – Pastor of St. Patrick Church in Mannington and St. Peter Church in Farmington. Fr. Binu is a member of the Little Flower Congregation.

Rev. Romeo M. Bacalso S.V.D. – Pastor of St. Anthony in Fairmont and Holy Spirit in Monongah. Fr. Meo is a member of the Society of the Divine Word.

Rev. Kishore Babu Varaparla H.G.N. – Administrator of Immaculate Conception in Fairmont. Fr. Kishore is a member of the Heralds of Good News Missionary Society.

 – Mass is celebrated at the Newman Center each Sunday at 5pm during the fall and spring semesters, and a free dinner is offered for all after Mass. – 

Campus Minister

Dan Thele
Email: dthele@dwc.org or newmancenter@fairmontstate.edu


I grew up in Burlington, Iowa, where I attended Catholic school and St. John’s (now Divine Mercy) Parish. I worked as an administrator and taught in Catholic schools in Arizona, Ohio, Maryland, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania before coming to Fairmont State. I met my wonderful wife, Carolyn, at the University of Notre Dame, and we  moved back to her hometown of Fairmont. I’m very blessed to be able to serve the students of Fairmont State University, and I look forward to meeting you!


Dartmouth College, BA
University of Notre Dame, MEd
The Catholic University of America, MA

Office hours:

Office hours are by appointment. To set up a meeting to discuss personal, spiritual, or academic life, Catholic Student Union activities, or use of the Newman Center, you can contact me by email at dthele@dwc.org, call the office at (304) 534-8093, or reach me by cell at (304) 534-9445.


Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for all of the most up-to-date information! Students can join us on the Called app!


During the academic year, Mass is offered for students, faculty, staff, and their families every Sunday at 5PM. There’s a free dinner after Mass at 6PM, to which everyone is welcome whether you’ve come for Mass or not. We have several different priests who come to celebrate Mass with us. All music for liturgies is led by our pastoral musician. We welcome everyone to attend and participate. We have worship aids for those who may have not been to Mass in a long time or for those who are just curious about our worship! If you would like to serve as Lector, Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, Cantor, or Altar Server please let the campus minister know what you are interested in when you arrive for Mass.

Falcons on Fire

Faith formation using materials from Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire apostolate. We have Bible studies, watch documentaries, and have general discussions about faith. Free dinner is provided.

Community Night

Follow us on Instagram or join us on the Called app to get updates about community nights where we’ll be hosting various activities like art projects, game nights, and movie nights. Bring a friend!

Evening Prayer

The Liturgy of the Hours is a beautiful tradition of prayer based on the Psalms. Join us for Vespers, or evening prayer, one night each week as our prayers “rise like incense.”

The Center

In addition to being a place for students to come hang out, study, and pray, we also offer space for campus groups to hold meetings and gatherings. We have a lounge space with TV’s and couches, a kitchen, a chapel with the Blessed Sacrament always reserved, and FREE Wifi for all of your studying needs!

Exterior: While our official addre

ss is College Park, you can find us just by driving up Bryant Street. We have parking available outside the main doors and in a small parking lot diagonally from the Newman Center on College Park

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